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The Do's And Don'ts Of Divorce

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Divorce is not something you think about when you marry. Divorce sometimes happens because two people that loved each other very much simply fell out of love, although, other times it happens because of infidelity or some other type of painful situation. No matter the reason for your divorce, there are some do's and don'ts that you should know about while going through this time in your life to help protect you. Read on for some of these do's and don'ts.

The Do's

  • Communicate With One Another. Communication is important when going through your divorce. It may feel awkward to continue to talk to your soon-to-be ex, but this is important especially when there are children involved.
  • Open Your Own Checking Account. Opening up your own checking account is important so you have money available to you when needed. There are no issues with the other spouse taking everything you put into your joint account, and you can continue to pay bills.
  • Watch Your Credit Card And Other Financial Accounts. Keep an eye out for any new charges on your credit card accounts, or any large sums aren't being taken out of your savings, life insurance policies or retirement funds.
  • Look For A New Place To Live. If you aren't financially able to afford your place of residence, you may need to find other accommodations. If this is the case, you should begin looking right away. You don't know how long you have in your own home, and if you don't want to live with your ex any longer, a new place may be necessary sooner rather than later.

The Don'ts

  • Share An Attorney. You and your spouse should not share an attorney. You each should have your own, even if you feel your divorce is going to be amicable. This may not be the case halfway through and you don't want to sell yourself short. Halfway through your divorce, you may need to find your own attorney, so you're better off finding your own firm like Hazlett & Pedemonte to begin with.
  • Keep Your Child Away. Keeping your child away from your ex is just going to make matters worse, not better for anyone involved. Allow your ex to see your child and try to work out a reasonable schedule before there is an actual schedule ordered by the court. 

Divorces look different for everyone, some can be amicable, while others may be downright awful. Make sure you protect yourself by keeping an eye on your financial accounts, and be sure to open up your own checking account to ensure you can afford to continue to pay your bills and survive. Talk to your divorce attorney about other tips to get you through your divorce.  
