A Legal Council Guide

What You Should Know If Your Employer Is Stating You Were Not Injured On The Job

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If you are injured on the job, you are required to tell your employer. By law, they are required to provide you with a claim form. This claim form must be filled out and is then sent to the insurance company will open a workers compensation insurance claim. However, if your employer feels like you were not injured on the job, they can make this process a bit more difficult and in some cases, may even refuse to give you a claim form. Read More»

Divorcing Your Parents: Why You Need A Family Law Attorney For Emancipation

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Family law attorneys get involved with all kinds of family law cases. Most of the time, the cases involve divorces and child custody. The rest of the time, they could involve any sort of family issues, from elder guardianship to emancipation of minors. If you are a minor seeking emancipation, then you need to hire a family law attorney. This may be very difficult to do, since you already have to have a full-time job, attend school during the day and keep a residence separate from your parents’ home, all on whatever pay you make from working. Read More»

Why You Might Need A Special Education Lawyer For Your Child

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In most cases, parents are the best and most proactive advocates for their children. When that child has special needs, the parents do sometimes require help from the child’s teachers, doctors and community leaders. It may be possible that you might need a special education lawyer for your child in certain circumstances. How can one of these lawyers help you? The following are only a few examples of what a special education lawyer can do to help. Read More»

Three Questions About Your Property To Ask A Home Inspector Before You Sell Your Home

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When you want to sell your property, there are many financial and legal issues you’ll have to give due consideration to. In particular, while a home inspector is looking at your home, you might as well tie as many loose ends as possible in the short time you’ll be seeing him or her. Check out these three questions about your property to ask a home inspector before you sell your home. Read More»

Gender Discrimination Can Affect You In The Workplace

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Although it might not be a widespread, common problem, gender discrimination in the workplace is real. Nearly 10% of men report that they have once felt they were denied a role because of their gender and 15% of women share this sentiment. When faced with what you perceive to be this type of scenario, it can be both frustrating and confusing.   What Is Gender Discrimination? It’s important to understand what exactly gender discrimination is. Read More»