A Legal Council Guide

How to Tell the Difference between Community and Separate Property

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When you’re going through a divorce, chances are excellent that you’re going to want to make sure that you retain as many of your personal possessions as possible. You will not want to give anything up to your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. As a result, you will need to know the difference between community property and separate property. Review these types of property in order to make sure that you don’t give up anything you don’t have to. Read More»

Including Dependent Children On Income Tax Returns After A Divorce

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Disagreements sometimes arise after a divorce as to which party is entitled to claim the children as tax dependents. The income tax consequences can continue until the children reach adulthood. When contemplating divorce, both parties are best served by reaching a mutual agreement concerning future tax returns. The inclusion of any dependent on your income tax return results in a reduction in taxable income. The amount of the reduction is referred to as an exemption amount. Read More»

Can You Receive Disability Benefits If You Are Not An American Citizen?

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Social Security disability benefits are not only for American citizens. In some instances, permanent residents and other foreign workers can receive benefits. If you are not an American citizen, here is what you need to know to obtain benefits.  Can Permanent Residents Receive Benefits? Permanent residents are viewed similar to American citizens when it comes to determining eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. If you have met the work credit requirements and you have a disability that prevents you from working, you can apply for benefits. Read More»

Can't Pay Your Student Loan? How To Stop The Government From Taking Your Taxes

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If you are very behind on your student loan payments, the government can take your tax refund each year until it is paid back. This can be detrimental for you if you were expecting this money for an emergency, such as paying your house loan, paying a past due electric bill, or other home bills that you are behind on. Below is some information you should find helpful in getting the government to stop taking your tax refund. Read More»

Do You Have A Personal Injury Case? The Basics

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When you are injured, it can be difficult to battle the insurance companies, struggle to pay hospital bills, worry about your job, and try to pay regular monthly bills. Filing a lawsuit at the same time may feel completely overwhelming. Let these simple tips help you decide if you have a personal injury case.  Time Constraints You should be aware that personal injury claims cannot be sought after a certain period of time. Read More»