A Legal Council Guide

Don't Fight A Frivolous Lawsuit Without A Lawyer

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When a lawsuit is filed against you and you believe that the lawsuit does not have any merit, you should not panic. Some lawsuits are not legitimate and the case might even be thrown out of court. Many Frivolous Lawsuits Never Make It To Court Legal professionals encounter frivolous lawsuits quite frequently. Therefore, they will have plans for how to deal with them and will often throw them out of court promptly. Read More»

Are Divorce And Separation Different?

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If you are ending a marriage, it’s normal to have a lot of questions. You may have no idea how to move forward, especially if you are still uncertain if the separation is going to last. So, what is the difference between divorce and separation? How do the two differ, and when should you consider each option? Here’s what you need to know. Each State Is Different The first thing you need to know about divorce and separation is that each state is different. Read More»

How A Work Schedule Can Affect Your Child Custody Arrangement

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When you are working out your child custody agreement, you may find it difficult to determine when you will see your child, especially when you have a work schedule that limits when you will be allowed to spend time with your child. As a result, you might wonder if the courts would be willing to work around your schedule. This is something you should always bring up with a child custody attorney. Read More»

What To Do After A Car Accident

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If you’re in a car accident, you should begin thinking about how you can handle all of the problems that it brings about as quickly as possible. This starts with making sure that you record as many details as possible, followed by a process of working with your insurance provider and a car accident attorney. When you are able to remain detailed and consistent, you can make sure that your injuries and property damage are paid for and that you are legally protected. Read More»

Car Accident Lawyer: Injured By An Uninsured Driver

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Insurance exists because life doesn’t always go to plan. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident by an uninsured driver, getting the compensation you need to make you whole again can feel daunting. Here’s how an auto accident lawyer can help you when you’ve been injured by an uninsured driver. Making the Claim Most auto insurance policies include uninsured motorist (UIM) coverage. When you’re injured by an uninsured driver, you’ll need to file an uninsured motorist claim with your auto insurance provider. Read More»