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Why You Might Need A Special Education Lawyer For Your Child

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In most cases, parents are the best and most proactive advocates for their children. When that child has special needs, the parents do sometimes require help from the child’s teachers, doctors and community leaders. It may be possible that you might need a special education lawyer for your child in certain circumstances. How can one of these lawyers help you? The following are only a few examples of what a special education lawyer can do to help. Read More»

Three Questions About Your Property To Ask A Home Inspector Before You Sell Your Home

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When you want to sell your property, there are many financial and legal issues you’ll have to give due consideration to. In particular, while a home inspector is looking at your home, you might as well tie as many loose ends as possible in the short time you’ll be seeing him or her. Check out these three questions about your property to ask a home inspector before you sell your home. Read More»

Gender Discrimination Can Affect You In The Workplace

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Although it might not be a widespread, common problem, gender discrimination in the workplace is real. Nearly 10% of men report that they have once felt they were denied a role because of their gender and 15% of women share this sentiment. When faced with what you perceive to be this type of scenario, it can be both frustrating and confusing.   What Is Gender Discrimination? It’s important to understand what exactly gender discrimination is. Read More»

5 Reasons You May Be Disqualified For Workers Compensation

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If you’ve been injured on the job, you will want to receive compensation. You’re sure to be faced with some medical bills and lost wages that may make it difficult to handle. Dealing with such huge financial losses can be devastating to you and working to recover from this challenging time can be difficult. One of the most effective ways to get compensated for your losses is by getting workers’ compensation. Read More»

Four Different Variations In Alimony Payments

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If you are considering a divorce, you may be ordered by a judge to pay alimony to your spouse. Although the laws regarding alimony vary by state, when alimony payments are made, it is usually the spouse making the greater income that is required to pay money to the spouse making the smaller income. However, there are different variations of alimony that you may be required to pay. The following are the most common. Read More»

New to the Workplace? Two Tips to Help You Handle Sexual Harassment

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If you’ve just gotten your first job, you may not be aware that sexual harassment is a real risk in the workplace.  A recent poll showed that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience sexual harassment at work, so it’s definitely not uncommon.  Because you’re embarking on your first work experience, you may not know how to handle sexual harassment if it happens to you. Use this information to learn two tips that can help you know what to do if you happen to experience sexual harassment on your new job. Read More»

3 Tips For Writing A Strong Description Of Your Product When Applying For A Patent

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If you have come up with a really great idea, you might be thinking about applying for a patent or discussing a patent acquisition so that you don’t have to worry about anyone else stealing your idea. Doing so can be a smart decision–particularly if you plan on moving forward with your invention–but the process is not as easy as you might think. You will need to file a patent application, and in this application you will need to provide a strong description of your product. Read More»

2 Ways To Present Evidence In Your Custody Case

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When marriages come to an end it can be challenging to determine who will retain custody of the children. Many couples find that the matter must be settled in court. If you are in the midst of a custody battle with your soon-to-be ex, it’s important that you understand how you can present evidence to the court supporting your position that you should be awarded custody. Here are two ways that you can present information to the court on your behalf. Read More»

How Can You Help Prevent Your Elderly Parent From Falling Victim To Wire Fraud?

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Although charlatans have been a part of society since the beginning of recorded history, only recently have there been ways for these scam artists to access money or identifying information with the touch of a key – or for an unwitting victim to be able to wire money or make an online transfer without even leaving their home. If you have an elderly parent who lives on his or her own, you may be concerned about the risk that your parent will fall victim to one of these scams. Read More»

Guardian Ad Litem: Burning Questions About This Type Of Family Lawyer And The Answers You Seek Before You Head To Court

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When people say, “family lawyer,” it could refer to one of three types of legal counsel. One type of legal counsel this phrase can refer to is a guardian ad litem, or children’s lawyer, who is commonly appointed to represent minor children since children are not allowed in court. You may be assigned a guardian ad litem (GAL) in court if you are about to divorce and have minor children whom you share with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Read More»