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How Much Should You Donate Within Your Estate Plans?

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As you draw up your estate planning documents, you will likely face the question of how much you want to donate to others. There is no right or wrong answer, as this is a highly personal decision — possibly more reflective of your own personality than the money you leave to children and family. So, how can you decide on the right number? Here are five key questions to help you. Read More»

Should You Pursue An 'At-Fault' Divorce?

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When you must end a marriage, you face many difficult decisions. And certainly, the goal of most divorcing couples is to find a way to start a new chapter in life in the most positive way possible.  But what if your marriage is ending solely due to the actions of your spouse? Should you pursue the path of least confrontation through a ‘no-fault’ divorce? Or would you derive more benefit from an ‘at-fault’ proceeding? Read More»

5 Questions To Ask A Car Accident Attorney During Your Initial Consultation

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If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you’re probably facing medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. If you believe your accident was caused by another person’s recklessness or carelessness, then you may be entitled to financial compensation for your damages. Working with a car accident attorney will be your best bet for seeking the compensation you may be entitled to. As you prepare for your first consultation with a prospective attorney, however, there are some key questions you’ll want to ask before moving forward. Read More»

Challenging A Speeding Ticket In Court? Follow These Tips

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Did you receive a speeding ticket that you feel like you did not deserve? If so, you’re likely going to go to court to try to fight it. Here are some tips that will help ensure success with getting your speeding ticket dropped. Be Courteous While you may be angry about the ticket that you received, it is important that you be courteous to everyone that is involved with resolving this ticket. Read More»

3 Situations That Warrant Help From A Car Accident Lawyer

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Auto accidents happen every single day. The road can be a dangerous place and getting hit is sometimes unavoidable. If you’re involved in one and the following situations come up, you’ll want to get help from a car accident lawyer right away. Sustained a Long-Term Injury If the auto accident caused a long-term injury that will be costly to address, then you need to find a way to get compensation from the party that hit you. Read More»

Tips For Helping A Child Through A Sex Abuse Situation

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The number of children that are sexually assaulted is alarming, based on reports. Studies show that about one out of every nine female children and about one out of 50 male children are assaulted during their childhood. The numbers are even more alarming if you consider the assaults that don’t get reported. If you know a child that is being abused, or if you suspect abuse, it’s important that you take all of the necessary legal steps. Read More»

Should You Fight For Sole Custody? Maybe Not

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When couples with children split, the fight for sole custody often ensues, but this path isn’t always the right one. Any loving parent should have unrestricted access to their children, but it’s important to understand that a parent can maintain a healthy relationship with their child without sole custody. In some instances, a sole custody battle is unnecessary and not worth the fight. Joint Custody Is Less of a Fight Read More»

What Can Change The Timeline Of Your Personal Injury Case

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Have you suffered an injury and want to go through the legal channels necessary to receive compensation? If so, you’re likely wondering how long this process will take. Here are some factors that can affect the timing of your personal injury case. The Type Of Case There are many types of personal injury cases out there, with the complexity of each case being a big factor in how long it will take to complete the process. Read More»

An Overview Of DUI School

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If you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI), one of the things you may hear a lot about is the DUI school. Your DUI attorney might suggest attending DUI school as well. Below is a brief overview of DUI schools. What It Is A DUI school is a program that teaches its attendees about DUI laws, alcohol laws, drunk driving, and the effects of drunk driving on the community. Read More»

What To Expect During A Personal Injury Case

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When you’re injured due to the negligence of another party, such as a slipping and falling at a grocery store due to hazardous floors or being bitten by someone’s dog who was not properly secured, you’re entitled to a monetary settlement. However, most people have little to no experience with personal injury cases, so they don’t know what to do or what to expect. Having a basic understanding of the timeline of a personal injury claim can help make the process less confusing and overwhelming. Read More»